Some key signs and symptoms that may indicate a hormone imbalance include:
Symptoms: low libido, erectile dysfunction, decreased muscle mass, weight gain, fatigue, mood changes, poor concentration
Symptoms: vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, trouble sleeping
Symptoms: fatigue, weight gain, feeling cold, constipation, dry skin, hair loss, depression
Hormone therapy can provide immense benefits when hormones become imbalanced due to aging or other factors. Benefits may include:
There are various types of hormone replacement options:
Restores testosterone levels in men through gels, injections, patches
Prescribed for peri/post-menopausal women to alleviate symptoms
Tailored to match natural hormones using a compounding pharmacy
Normalizes thyroid hormones (T3, T4) to resolve hypothyroidism
Balanced Hormone Clinic provides a full range of hormone therapies to help patients find relief.
The sooner a hormone imbalance is detected and treatment begins, the more likely patients are to find relief from symptoms and reduce their risk of long-term health issues.
Key reasons to prioritize diagnosis and treatment:
Our experienced medical team focuses diagnosing hormone issues quickly so patients can begin customized treatment plans right away.
Hormone therapy can help transgender individuals align their physical characteristics with their gender identity. Studies show that after a year of hormone treatment, transgender men score higher on tests of spatial ability - navigating spaces and manipulating shapes - approaching scores typical of non-transgender men. This suggests hormones may play a role in some cognitive sex differences.
Balanced Hormone Clinic provides individualized care from leading endocrinology specialists in a comfortable, private setting.
What sets us apart:
Let our team help you restore optimal hormonal balance and reclaim your health. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.